Wednesday 13 May 2015

Traditional Media to "New" Media to Digital Media

Over the years media have gone through many changes. There are three main eras that we can categorize media in over the years: Traditional media, “New” Media, and Digital Media.

Traditional Media is anything before the year 1990. It is when newspapers and other forms of print media took over the media industry. What media did during that period to deliver news to the public was broadcast.

There were not many channels available for people to categorize their audience based on specific targets. So the main tactic was to broadcast to everyone.

The main channels used were Television, Radio, and Print media. Those were the main ways that traditional media used to broadcast information out to the public.

Because of the lack of two-way communication, their main content delivery style was to “push” their information onto the audience. The receivers didn’t have much choice over the information that they would receive. Which is also why the consumers had few choices when it came to choosing what to pay attention to.

During the era, there was a slow and steady pace of growth that traditional media went through.

Following traditional media, during the 90s, media “evolved” into new media. It was when the internet started to be more commonly used, and technology started to evolve the way that media was used.

The delivery techniques went from a general broadcast to a narrowcast. This is because of the growing choices that consumers had. As opposed to having few choices, they now had many.

New Media also used a push strategy onto their audience because of the way that they would send out their information. Their main channels were cable TV and radio, satellite radio, and specialty magazines.

New media grew at an accelerated pace, which is faster than the rate that traditional media grew at.

After the new media era there was a revolution in media. After the year 2000 technology advanced and set a new path for the way that we communicate. This especially Affected the way that media work.

New media revolutionized to digital media in every way possible.

Digital media were able to target their audience because of the many channels that they could use. Consumers had endless options when it came to information consumption.
Unlike the previous eras, traditional media and new media, digital media had a different way of delivering their content. Because of the new infinite options and ways to reach people, instead of “pushing” their information onto people they pulled it. This means that they attracted the consumers to come to them.

Digital media grows at a rapid pace. This is obvious because it started in the year 2000 and now 15 years later there have been huge revelations in the media!

Each era also has great examples of companies that were able to make use of them.

During the traditional era there were companies like Time Warner, CBS and Disney. These companies made use of TV, Radio, and Print Media and were able to send out information successfully to the public.

Each of these companies is still well respected today and has a huge influence on the media world. This is proof that companies adapted during the evolution to revolution of media.

During the new Media era, there was HBO, Comcast and Primedia.

And finally, the digital media era has Google and Yahoo as great examples.
The first thing that we do when we want to search something is use google for instant information.

It can also be seen how each media form or channel has transitioned from one era to the next. Everything had to adapt to survive the changes. There are radio channels that became television specialties. Many newspapers now have online sources.

At the rate that media is changing it is a wonder to see what will happen next.

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